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The following steps need to be completed before installing the flexFS mount client and mounting a volume.

Validate FUSE setup

As flexFS is a FUSE-based userspace file system, it depends on FUSE userspace tools, particularly fusermount or fusermount3, depending on the Linux distribution. Before installing the flexFS mount client, first ensure that this utility is installed.

Try locating fusermount3 / fusermount

You can check if this utility is installed as follows:

which fusermount3

or, if not found:

which fusermount

A typical success will look something like:

$ which fusermount3

If neither binary is found, it will be necessary to install the FUSE userspace package.

Install fuse3 / fuse using dnf

sudo dnf install fuse3

or, if not available:

sudo dnf install fuse

Install fuse3 / fuse using yum

sudo yum install fuse3

or, if not available:

sudo yum install fuse

Install fuse3 / fuse using apt

sudo apt install fuse3

or, if not available:

sudo apt install fuse

Volume token

Before mounting a flexFS volume, it is necessary to obtain a volume token from Paradigm4 that serves to authenticate the mount with the flexFS administrative service and identify the associated volume. This is a standard step in the flexFS onboarding process.