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Mounting can be performed in a variety of ways including manually and using fstab.


Before mounting, it is necessary to choose a mount point (i.e. empty folder) on which you would like to mount each volume. If no such mount point yet exists, you should create one before proceeding. This can be accomplished as follows:

sudo mkdir -p <mount-point>

If you need to mount over a non-empty mount point, you can do so using the --nonEmpty mount option.

Mount options

There are some non-default mount options you may want to specify (e.g. for read-only mounts, xattr support, or extended acl support). All supported mount options can be seen by running the start command with the -h / --help flag:

sudo mount.flexfs start -h

Mount manually


After initialization, it is recommended you mount manually (in the foreground) once before automating the mount procedure or mounting in the background (daemonized). This will help to ensure that everything is configured properly and make it easier to identify any potential issues.

To mount manually (in the foreground):

sudo mount.flexfs start <name> <mount-point> -f [options]

Where <name> is the name of the volume corresponding to the volume token provided in the initialization step. The -f flag keeps the mount client in the foreground to make it easier to spot any mount errors. Once you have successfully verified that a mount can be established in the foreground, you can stop it (with control-c) and establish future mounts in the background (daemonized) as follows (without the -f flag):

sudo mount.flexfs start <name> <mount-point> [options]

Mount via fstab

To automatically mount via fstab, add the following line to fstab for each mount:

<name>  <mount-point>   flexfs  _netdev,nofail[,options]  0 0

Options specified fstab are typically lowercase versions of the option flags for the mount.flexfs start command, and without any leading dashes. For flags with values, the form <option>=<value> should be used.

Example (default options):

test-volume  /flexfs/test-volume   flexfs  _netdev,nofail  0 0

Example (read-only + xattr + umask):

test-volume  /flexfs/test-volume   flexfs  _netdev,nofail,ro,xattr,umask=022  0 0